The Special Tour for the Experience of Walking Henro (Shikoku Pilgrimage) and Indigo
This two-day tour is a collection of special experiences that will allow you to enjoy the excitement and amazement that can only be found in Tokushima. We will show you the highlight. Please feel free to contact us!
■ Airtravel Tokushima:aitripper@air-travel.jp
■ East Tokushima Tourism Authority:inbound@east-tokushima.jp
Day1|Walking Shikoku pilgrimage
Day 1 is a “walking Shikoku pilgrimage” experience. With a dedicated guide, you will walk from Temple No.1, Ryozenji to Temple No.4. Dainichiji on the Shikoku pilgrimage route. The accommodation is Shukubo (lodging) at Temple No.6, Anrakuji, where there is a hot spring associated with Kukai. Enjoy a mystical and unique religious service in the night. In the morning, you will appreciate beautiful Buddhist statues and paintings at the Tahoto Pagoda, which will be open only for this tour.

Day2|Indigo dyeing and Awa Odori Dance
Day 2 is “Indigo dyeing and Awa Odori Dance” experience. After making an one-of-a-kind souvenir with indigo dyeing at the historic building, you will admire a private performance of Awa Odori dance. Definitely be thrilled the excitement of the dance performed in front of you by one of Japan's most famous dance groups. Becoming "dancing fools" together will be the most unforgettable wrap up of this special tour!

09:00- Tokushima Station
09:00-09:30 Traveling by bus
09:30-11:00 Ryozen-ji Temple
11:00-11:20 Walking to Gokuraku-ji Temple
11:20-11:35 Visiting @Gokuraku-ji Temple
11:35-12:20 Walking to Konsen-ji Temple
12:20-12:35 Visiting @Konsen-ji Temple
12:35-12:50 Traveling by bus
12:50-13:35 Lunch
13:35-13:50 Traveling by bus
13:50-15:35 Walking to Dainichi-ji Temple
15:35-15:50 Visiting @Dainichi-ji Temple
15:50-16:00 Traveling by bus
16:00 Check-in @ Anraku-ji Temple
17:30 Religious services
18:15 Dinner
06:00-07:00 Limited Observing @ Two-storied pagoda, Anraku-ji Temple
09:00-09:30 Traveling by bus
09:30 Arrived in Ai-no-Yakata(the house of Indigo)
09:40-10:10 Awa-ai indigo Special lecture
10:10-10:40 Observing @ Okumura Family Residence
10:40-11:20 Ai-Indigo Dying experience
11:20-12:00 Observing @Nishi-zashiki special room
12:00 Lunch @Special room
12:30-13:00 Watching the traditional Awa-Dance performance
13:00-13:40 Traveling by bus
13:40 Arrived at Tokushima Station
Contact information
Please feel free to contact us.
■ Air Travel Tokushima
■East Tokushima Tourism Authority